27 08, 2018

A huge asset.

By |2018-08-27T23:46:32+00:00August 27th, 2018|

We were excited to include Jeff Jaye and iSoccerPath to our Elite College ID Soccer Camp this year! Having Jeff allowed us to give our parents and players a unique experience at our camp. We had a separate parent panel during training and then a separate player panel during lunch. Jeff was able to give [...]

31 07, 2018

Informative and very helpful to our campers

By |2018-07-31T19:16:40+00:00July 31st, 2018|

It is always great to have Jeff and iSoccerPath as part of our ID camp. Their presentation is informative and very helpful to our campers. One of our goals is to educate the prospective student athletes on the process of obtaining a roster spot and how they should be communicating with coaches. iSoccerPath provides that [...]

26 07, 2018

Made for the parents by a parent

By |2018-07-27T16:57:16+00:00July 26th, 2018|

iSoccerPath is a company that has been needed in the industry for a long time now.  It is made for the parents by a parent!  Understanding the rules and nuances of the process can be difficult, so let the experts help you find the perfect fit for your student-athlete experience.

12 07, 2018

A personal touch to the process.

By |2018-07-12T23:16:56+00:00July 12th, 2018|

The college soccer selection process is extremely demanding and can be a very stressful process for everyone involved, it is refreshing to have a guide like iSoccerPath who knows the ropes and brings a personal touch to the process.

10 04, 2018

Thanks for the shared knowledge to help them in their journey!

By |2018-05-01T19:27:59+00:00April 10th, 2018|

Jeff - Thanks to iSoccerPath for hosting our 1st Annual -LA Galaxy Cup’s College Education Panels this past weekend. Coaches can’t thank you enough for engaging with these young athletes.  The shared knowledge will undoubtedly help them in their journey to become college soccer student athletes.

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