Definition of a Recruiting or Scouting Service (I)
Division:  I  
Date Published:  April 01, 2011 
The academic and membership affairs staff (AMA) confirmed that a recruiting or scouting service includes any individual, organization, entity or segment of an entity that is primarily involved in providing information about prospective student-athletes. This definition includes, but is not limited to, any service that provides information only to paid subscribers, any service that is only available to a select group of individuals (e.g., coaches), regardless of whether there is a charge associated with the service, and any service that provides information to the public free of charge; however, this definition does not include any individual, organization or entity or segment of an entity that provides information about prospective student-athletes incidental to its primary purpose and is generally available to the public (e.g. news media).
NCAA Division I Bylaws (recruiting service consultants), (off-campus observation of recruiting or scouting service video),
 C (camp/clinic providing recruiting or scouting service),
13.14.3 (recruiting or scouting services)] Sports Other Than Basketball and Football.
In sports other than basketball and football, an institution may subscribe to a recruiting or scouting service involving prospective student-athletes, provided the service is made available to all institutions desiring to subscribe and at the same fee rate for all subscribers. The service must also provide information regarding each prospective student-athlete in a standardized format that ensures consistent distribution to all subscribers. An institution is not permitted to subscribe to a recruiting or scouting service that provides information in any form (e.g., oral reports, electronic messages) about prospective student-athletes beyond the standardized, consistent information that is provided to all subscribers. An institution is permitted to subscribe to a service that provides scholastic and/or nonscholastic video. The institution may not contract with a service in advance to have a particular contest recorded or provided. [D] (Adopted: 1/14/12, Revised: 7/26/12, 1/15/14) Recruiting Service Consultants. Institutional athletics department staff members may not endorse, serve as consultants or participate on advisory panels for any recruiting or scouting service involving prospective student-athletes. (Adopted: 1/16/93)