(San Ramon, California) – iSoccerPath, the premier education and evaluation company for families of prospective college soccer student athletes, is honored to announce it has been approved to work with the StellaRossa FC in Toronto, Canada.

This is the first international club to be affiliated with iSoccerPath and will focus on educating parents and players on the process of getting a college roster spot in a US University.

iSoccerPath will be working with the StellaRossa FC over the next year to provide critical assistance in preparing the club’s families to learn the process of getting an international spot into college.

“We are very excited to expand the iSoccerPath brand into Canada and the chance to work with DOC Nikola Paunic, as he starts his first club is not only challenging but exciting. Our goal over the next year is to provide the most relevant information on how to become a college student athlete to Stella Rossa FC club members.” said Jeff Jaye, Managing Director of iSoccerPath. 

To learn more about iSoccerPath visit their website at: isoccerpath.com

To learn more about Stella Rossa FC visit their website at: stellarossafc.com