Press Releases

17 10, 2019

iSoccerPath Partners With Soccer Social Media Group

By |2019-10-17T23:50:35+00:00October 17th, 2019|Press Releases|

  Your Bridge from Club To College Soccer    (San Ramon, California) – iSoccerPath, the premier education company for players and families of prospective college soccer student athletes, is happy to announce a partnership with Scholarships for Soccer, owned by Buford Mobley out of North Carolina. The new name of the group, located on Facebook [...]

16 10, 2019

iSoccerPath Partners with HMMS EAGLE FC

By |2019-10-16T19:54:22+00:00October 16th, 2019|Press Releases|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE “Your Bridge from Club To College Soccer”  (San Ramon, California) - iSoccerPath, the premier education company for families of prospective college soccer student athletes, is happy to announce it has been approved to offer it’s college education programs to the HMMS / Eagle FC families in Central Pennsylvania. iSoccerPath will be working [...]

27 09, 2019

iSoccerPath Appoints Leslie Osborne to Advisory Committee

By |2019-10-03T07:32:49+00:00September 27th, 2019|Press Releases|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Your Bridge from Club To College Soccer  (San Ramon, California) – iSoccerPath, the premier education company for players and families of prospective college soccer student athletes, is happy to announce the addition of USSF Women's National Team player, Leslie Osborne (RET.), to their advisory committee.  Osborne is one of the most decorated [...]

15 05, 2019

iSoccerPath & TestRocker Partnership

By |2019-05-15T17:24:32+00:00May 15th, 2019|Press Releases|

SAN RAMON, CA (May. 15, 2019)- iSoccerPath, the premier education company for families of prospective college soccer athletes, is pleased to announce a partnership with TestRocker, a unique and personalized online education platform for standardized test preparation. The combined commitment to preparing students for the college application and enrollment process makes this partnership a natural [...]

6 05, 2019

iSoccerPath Partners with the Youth Sports Institute of Delaware

By |2019-05-06T18:14:08+00:00May 6th, 2019|Press Releases|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Your Bridge from Club To College Soccer  (San Ramon, California) - iSoccerPath, the premier education company for families of prospective college soccer student athletes, is happy to announce it has been approved to offer its education programs to the Youth Sports Institute (YSI) families in the state of Delaware.  iSoccerPath will be working [...]

28 04, 2019

iSoccerPath Announces Plans to Expand Services in 2020

By |2019-04-28T20:49:27+00:00April 28th, 2019|Press Releases|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE National soccer education program for 8-12 th grade soccer players announces plans to expand program with College ID Camps, Financial Education Modules and Junior College Programs SAN RAMON, CA (April 28, 2019) – iSoccerPath (ISP), the premier education company for families of prospective college soccer athletes, has announced its plans to expand the company’s [...]

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